Learn How to Write a Play, the Easy Way!

So you have been sitting on the fence, waiting and waiting and waiting until the day you get the motivation to learn how to write a play, so you can finally write that play that you have always wanted to write!

Life is too short to sit on a fence.

Why not be tutored on how to write a play in a way that is easy to understand that works?

Playwriting Coach, Ken Wolf, host of the Playwriting Podcast, is offering a 5 session course on the step by step actions you need to take in order to write a great play. It is simple yet comprehensive and understandable.

Get the unique information and the individual help you need, and finally make the choice to write your dream play.

Sessions can be weekly, or twice a week, or twice a month, or whatever works for your schedule.

You will receive comphrehensive information on all the elements of writing a great play & it will be fun too!

How to Write a Play - a 5 session Course for Beginners on Zoom

Only $650.00

Book it now by clicking on the button below:

Once registered, you will receive an email from Ken Wolf, to set up the first session. Please know that once booked, this course is non-refundable for any reason.